
Monday, February 22, 2010

To Lift Up In Prayer

I'd like to ask you all to lift in prayer someone I, personally have never met, but have found through blogger. I was following her daughter, Hope's, blog, as Hope was suffering with Cancer.

Hope was an amazing young lady and a great example of faith, as, through the hardest times of her life and during great suffering, she stayed close to God, and trusted His ultimate will no matter what happened.

On February 10 of this year, Hope went to be with Jesus.

Please take the time to pray for Hope's Mom, Johanna. Pray the she would be comforted and continue have the same great faith that her daughter showed. She has already gone through so much, after losing her husband, her son, and now, her 14 year old daughter, Hope. May we follow Hope's great example of faith, and trust God, not just when things are going well for us, but also during the hardest of times.

When difficult times come, we have a choice. Will we separate ourselves from God, and everyone else, or will we come closer to God during those times and lean on Him? Hope chose the latter, and although she went through so much, she kept her faith on God and leaned on his everlasting love. She now has an eternity to spend with her loving Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What an amazing legacy to have. May we be characterized by the same.

Please take some time to pray for Hope’s dear Mother, Johanna, although you have never met her. This is why blogger can be such a blessing. We can pray for others we don’t even know, and the Lord answers our prayers, no matter how near or far we are to the recipient of our prayers‘.

To offer some encouragement to Hope's Mom, or to read more about Hope, go here



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